Thursday, January 21, 2010

hi bibbley bobble boo fanna fanna foo foo. soo loo poo goo moo bye.come on eat eggs with me i love hating eggs they taste like garbage and look like mac and cheese so it is mean because it tricks me. it is a rumor a threat and a lie that it is good .yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.....and SPRITE ,yuck ,it makes me think of when i puke cause when you are sick, you drink it to make you feel better and not puke anymore.i love ...............................eggs and sprite !!!!!!!! yea, this did not make any sense. if you follow me you will be reading very funny stuff . youmayfollow my blog ,but not on the playground i like my privacy sometimes and i run fast so it might be hard to follow me there. and it will be hard to catch up with me when i am in a store shopping i love shopping you will have a hard time keeping up with me cause i go everywhere in seconds.bye. no wait i will type 4 u with my eyes shut 20 letters.

fdhjqgaiqncgshuwnduc + K FOR ..................................DUCK SERIOUSLY ,
finally BYE now